Elizabeth Coopersmith Consulting

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What to Say When They Can’t Afford You

Ugh, the dreaded "A" word: Afford. You pour your heart and soul into your work and know the positive, sometimes life-changing impact you create for your clients. So, telling someone your services are outside their budget feels...itchy. It's like saying, with a hair flip, "YOU aren't worthy of the magic I create." Which isn't true, of course. If anything, it feels like you're turning down a friend in need.

But here's the reality: Your time, expertise, and resources are valuable, and your prices reflect the compensation you deserve. This is how you keep your business open and continue creating your "magic." You would love to work with them, but you can't afford to—not that this makes the conversation any easier.

Fair Warning

Many people looking for your services don't know how much they can expect to pay for them—that is an almost universal truth. If you have a "starting" price or a budget range that you can work within, put it on your website. It's good for them and for you because they don't want to have the conversation, either!

More: How to Automate Your Money Boundaries


You don't want to feel mean, and they don't want to feel embarrassed, so be proactive before you're face-to-face or voice-to-voice.

I created an email template titled "You have to be THIS tall to ride this ride" (that is NOT the actual subject title! ). It's a direct but friendly way to say, "I'd love to work with you. This is how much it costs. Are we good?" You can automate it or send it when you need to. Click the button below to get it.

I’ll talk to you soon,

Liz Coopersmith